i LOVE brussels sprouts and this is a perfect quick recipe. thanks to the ranting chef, enjoy!

Rantings of an Amateur Chef

As I have mentioned before, when I was growing up vegetables were cooked within an inch of their lives. If it wasn’t limp or soggy, it wasn’t done. As a consequence, I liked corn (not soggy) and beans and carrots (limp but OK). Very few others were good. The variety of vegetables I was exposed to was both limited by the season, or what was readily canned by the Green Giant. One vegetable I do not recall having until well into my adulthood, was Brussels sprouts.

First, an aside. Yes, it is Brussels sprout. Not Brussel sprout. Not brussel sprout. I didn’t believe it either, but it is Brussels sprout or sprouts.

One day I walked into the cafeteria at work and sat at a table with a friend and co-worker. He had his main dish, a drink and a bowl filled with steamed Brussels sprouts. On top, he had…

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